Background: NAC has run a drop-in life-drawing session on Monday evenings since 2018. It has proved very popular, with many artists and models becoming our ‘regulars’; some are taking part in this, our occasional interview feature.
Q: Tell us about yourself and your interest in life modelling.
A: I am 39 and have always had an interest in art. Especially when I was younger I enjoyed drawing. I am self employed but the past few years I have made changes to my business which means I am less busy and have more time to try and find other interests. One of them being life modelling. I find it almost a form of meditation and my mind is empty when I'm posing.
Q: How did you get started as a life model? Describe your first modelling job and how it went.
A: The reason for me getting into life modelling was a friend of mine mentioned they were thinking of doing it so that gave me the inspiration to give it a try. My first time went fine although there were only two artists who turned up that night which probably took the pressure off a bit. I was given simple lying down poses as they knew I hadn't done it before.
Q: How do you go about finding work as a life model - do you advertise or rely on recommendations? How difficult or easy is it to get bookings?
A: I've always had to go finding groups online that do life drawing and see if they need any more models. I have never come across any ads looking for models and I don't advertise either.
Q: In the class setting, do you prefer the artist to set the poses or do you like to be involved in the positioning?
A: In a drawing class I'm open minded about who sets the poses. I usually find I get given a bit of input into most poses. And the artists always want to make sure I'm comfortable. I am also happy to set my own poses and like to use props.
Q: Do you consider yourself a creative person? Have you ever attended a life class as an artist?
A: I don't consider myself creative but I do like to make a tidy job of any tasks that I take on. Taking part in a life drawing class is something I have thought about doing. I've never tried drawing a figure but think at some point I will give it a try.
Q: Are you a member of the Northern Arts Club? If not, would you consider joining?
A: I'm not currently a member of NAC but I would possibly like to become a member.
Q: The Covid Pandemic has curtailed Club activities, including the life-drawing sessions. Have you been able to model at all during this time?
A: During the pandemic I did manage to model twice for an artist privately when restrictions had been lifted.
Q: What other interests and activities are you involved in?
A: Other interests I have are sport. I play snooker and pool. I like gardening, going for walks. I love being outside in the fresh air. I live in the country so feel lucky for having space.